Laurisilva and Other Wanderings
List of Works | Laurisilva and Other Wanderings | Part 1
Wanderings – Teno-Mountains: The Paths are Harsh, Black, Scarlet and Airy …
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Laurisilva: At the Edge of the Forest, Dream Flowers Chime, Burst, Lighten – (Rimbaud)
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Wanderings – The Paths Are Harsh, Black, Scarlet and Airy
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Mitsumata
73 x 140 cm
List of Works | Laurisilva and Other Wanderings | Part 2
Laurisilva I
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Laurisilva IV
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Laurisilva VI
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Laurisilva and Other Wanderings
The series Laurisilva was inspired by and relates to the cloud-like laurel forest on the island of Tenerife. The ocean areas around the islands are cold due to the ocean currents from the southern, cold latitudes. When they reach the northern parts of the Canary Islands, the moisture is captured by the dense vegetation in the mountain sides. The vegetation acts like a sponge, condenses the moisture into large droplets and produces a phenomenon called horizontal rain.
See notes from the Teno-Mountains in the Journal
Serien Laurisilva er inspirert av de skyggeaktige skogene på øya Tenerife. Sjøområdene rundt øyene er kalde på grunn av havstrømmene fra de sydlige, kalde, breddegrader. Når de når de nordlige delene av Kanariøyene, fanges fuktigheten av den tette vegetasjonen i fjellsidene. Vegetasjonen agerer som en svamp, kondenserer fuktigheten i store dråper og frembringer et fenomen som kalles horisontalt regn.
List of Works | Laurisilva and Other Wanderings | Part 3
Wanderings – The Paths are Harsh, Black, Scarlet and Airy
Brush drawing / oil on Seichosen Kozo
73 x 140 cm
Wanderings – Teno Mountains
In the north-eastern part of Tenerife, I went for long walks in the volcanic landscape of the Teno Mountains. There is a parallel between the movements in the terrain and the movements on the paper. They relate to each other both concretely and metaphorically. –Trudi Jaeger
See photographs from the Teno Mountains in the Journal
Les mer om prosjektet og Teno-fjellene i artikkelen Laurisilva and Other Wanderings av Christine Hansen.